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Custom Market Reports are done individually per your selection of your home area. It takes a dedicated person to create local market update for your newsletter. Real Info Box can do almost any area market update for you.

Package Price
Additional fee of $75 per month for each user will apply until we find five (5) agents using the same market reports in your selected local area. After we get 5 subscribers in the area, we can immediately automate the process and the additional $75 monthly fee will be removed. 

STEP 1: Select your home area and inform us of your choice. 

STEP 2: Real Info Box will research the necessary market stats and numbers of your selected area from existing real estate boards and other media sources. If it’s not possible to access market statistics regularly via public source, the client may provide us the necessary numbers before the newsletter delivery deadline.

STEP 3: Then, we’ll create your infographic market reports and it will be featured in the newsletter, ready to review and send.

STEP 4: BONUS TOOLS. Real Info Box will provide you with a bonus customized pdf report and ready to send mailouts to make you stand out.

Production time will be  3-5 days from your order date and usually even faster.



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